Sunday, April 12, 2009

Meet Faith

So, I have some news. Hopefully this will explain why posting has been so, um, sporadic lately. 

Our family has grown. Meet Faith.

No, I have not been hiding a pregnancy from you. I don't think it would be possible to have 9 months of fun go by without whining on here just a little bit. 

Eric, Grace, Annabelle, Michael, George and I have been blessed with an incredible gift. Usually when I think of gifts, I think of something wrapped in pretty paper with a bow, a gift tag and there is usually some sort of occasion to go with it.  We have come to learn that the best gifts do not, in fact, like to be wrapped at all (unless you count wrapped up in a snuggly blanket). No bow could make it more beautiful. And if there were to be a tag, I cannot imagine what it would say -  there aren't really words for this sort of thing.

Now that Faith is here, we cannot possibly imagine our lives without her.  In fact, I was about to post pictures from Easter morning and realized that there may be some questions about where the 4th child came from. I thought it might be nice to finally formally introduce her to the blog. 

Faith, this is the blog. 

Blog, this is Faith. 

You will be seeing a lot of each other. 


MMT said...

What a sweetheart!! See you in a couple weeks.

AER said...

We can't wait!!!

Simply Lovely Gifts said...

Yay! I've been waiting to see more pics - she's just adorable!!!!!! Hope you guys had a great day today :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! We heard the news through Justin. What a special little girl :)