Thursday, April 30, 2009


Are you sick of the same old neighborhood playground? Are you convinced there is no place fun to go with the kids where they can just run around and be kids? You could drive around, searching high and low for the perfect play spot and hope to find something that your kids will love. Or you can let KaBOOM! do the work for you. 

KaBOOM! is a non-profit organization dedicated to finding and creating play spaces within walking distance for every child. A fabulous part of what they do is an online resource where you can look up playspaces in your area, or an area that you may be visiting. There are pictures so you can get a really good idea about where you are headed, as well as a review to see what the space is all about. 

Mom Central has teamed up with KaBOOM! to help map online 100,000 playspaces in 100 days. A playspace can be a playground, field, a skate park, roller hockey rink, lake, dog park, community center, basketball court or ice rink - any place where kids can engage in unstructured play for free or a nominal fee. Check out the website, help the cause by adding your favorite playspace, and then find somewhere fabulous to entertain the kids. 

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks so much for helping to spread the word!

We linked back to your blog post here.

Have a great and playful day!

Annie Lynsen
Manager of Online Content and Community Development