Saturday, July 12, 2008

Preserve Your Teeth

Recycling is something that everyone should be familiar with, but you might not think about it while you are brushing your teeth. But if you are using a Preserve toothbrush by Recycline, then you are brushing with recycled Stoneyfield yogurt cartons. Seriously.  

Available at Target for only $2.04, these brushes are sure to please everyone in the family. I have been using them for a while now and I love it (despite the funky curved handle that I was, admittedly, not so sure about in the beginning. It actually makes for a very pleasant brushing experience). The kids ones are especially cool. If you are not so sure, go to the Recycline website and print out a coupon for $1.00 off when you buy two.  That might be my favorite part (you all know how I love to bargain shop).

But perhaps the most unique and environmentally savvy thing about these brushes is that when you are done with them, you can go back to the website and print out a shipping label (the postage is on them!) and send your brush back to be reborn into something useful like a park bench. They actually want, and appreciate, your old toothbrushes. That makes them good people in my book, so go try a toothbrush. Seriously. 

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